The CS Energy Blog Learn how we’re delivering the energy Queenslanders need today while investing in a clean energy future.
View All Investing in women at CS Energy 4 Mar 2024 Investing in women at CS Energy The 2024 International Women's Day theme is Count her in: Invest in women. Accelerate progress. EmployeesSafety Kogan Renewable Hydrogen Demonstration Plant – Answering Your FAQs 11 Oct 2023 Kogan Renewable Hydrogen Demonstration Plant – Answering Your FAQs We answer some common questions about the project HydrogenFAQS What is the role of renewable gas? 31 May 2023 What is the role of renewable gas? Renewable hydrogen has the potential to provide electricity to the grid when other energy sources are not available. HydrogenFAQS Saving it for later: Batteries and energy storage explained 12 Aug 2022 Saving it for later: Batteries and energy storage explained Battery storage technology has developed at incredible speed in recent years. SafetyFAQSEnergy storage Why Jody Scott loves working on power station overhauls 1 Apr 2022 Why Jody Scott loves working on power station overhauls Jody Scott is an overhaul manager at Callide Power Station EmployeesSafety How big batteries soak up the sun 25 Nov 2021 How big batteries soak up the sun Big batteries are seen as an enabling technology because they can store surplus solar energy for use at a later time. FAQSEnergy storage Exploring the potential of green hydrogen 25 Mar 2021 Exploring the potential of green hydrogen EGM Future Energy Emma Roberts discusses our proposed hydrogen project HydrogenFAQS "The graduate program gives you the opportunity to work across the business" 3 Aug 2020 "The graduate program gives you the opportunity to work across the business" Health and safety professional Marisol Quintero. EmployeesSafetyGraduates Women in engineering: Toyin Ayodeji 19 Jun 2020 Women in engineering: Toyin Ayodeji Civil engineer Toyin Ayodeji is based in our Brisbane Office EmployeesSafety Page1 2 Next Refine Categories Apprentices and trainees Community Customers Employees Energy storage Environment FAQSClear Graduates Hydrogen Renewable energy SafetyClear