

Adam Aspinall 

Adam Aspinall

Non-Executive Chair
B.ENG (Mech), MIEAust (Retired), GAICD

Director since 15 December 2022.

Adam Aspinall is a mechanical engineer with more than 40 years’ experience in the electricity and energy industries and was a leading advisor in the power industry, having consulted globally to the private and government sectors on power generation projects and issues. His expertise includes electricity and gas infrastructure development, generation and transmission procurement, electricity trading and regulatory compliance.

Adam has been regularly engaged to assist in international merger and acquisition activities, as well as international arbitrations in the role of Independent Expert.

He began his career working for the Queensland Electricity Commission in 1981 and was employed by the generation sector in Queensland for over 24 years, prior to becoming a consultant.

He has previously been the Business Development Manager and Chief Operating Officer at CS Energy, National Advisory Lead for the Power Sector at Evans & Peck and later Advisian and most recently was Acting Chief Executive Officer at Stanwell Corporation. Adam has also been a non-executive director on the Boards of Ergon Energy, Stanwell Corporation and Chairman of SPARQ Solutions.

Adam was appointed as Chair of the CS Energy Board in June 2023.


Maurie Brennan 

Maurie Brennan 

Non-Executive Director
B.Bus (Actg), MBA, CPA (Retired), FAICD

Director since 1 October 2023

Maurie Brennan has 40 years of experience in the electricity industry, holding positions in both the electricity distribution and transmission sectors. He has extensive Executive, Board and Company Secretary experience across private and government owned corporations, and strong corporate governance skills.

Prior to his retirement, Maurie was the Chief Financial Officer of Powerlink Queensland. He brings diverse financial, commercial and corporate experience, with a record of managing and leading in a complex commercial business to deliver business objectives.

Maurie was a member of the consortium team that successfully acquired the privatised electricity transmission business in South Australia (ElectraNet), and joined the ElectraNet Board following the acquisition. Maurie subsequently led Powerlink’s divestment of ElectraNet.


Mark Carkeet 

Mark carkeet

Non-Executive Director
B.A., LLB (Hons)

Director since 1 June 2024

Mark Carkeet is a commercial and regulatory lawyer with more than 40 years’ experience. He has worked almost exclusively in the utilities sector since reforms began in the early 1990s.

In the electricity sector he has served generators, network owners, retailers and customers, as well as governments, regulators, and market rule makers. His experience extends to all Australian states and territories and parts of the Asia-Pacific, and covers all aspects of the sector, from project inception and delivery to joint venture, finance, offtake and trading arrangements, and asset sales and closures.

He began his legal career as a graduate at MinterEllison in 1983, and gained broad commercial experience in Australia and overseas, before moving to the utilities sector. He led MinterEllison’s state, national and international energy and resources teams for many years.

Since his retirement from the Minters partnership in 2020 Mark has worked, through Minters, for the State of Queensland on many aspects of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan.

Mark served two terms on MinterEllison’s board, and has a long history of community service.


Stephen Harty 

Stephen Harty

Non-Executive Director
B. Eng (Mech), MBA, GAICD

Director since 1 October 2023

Stephen Harty is an energy executive with more than 25 years of experience. Stephen has worked in a variety of operations, project development and marketing roles across Europe, Asia, Middle East, North America and Australia. With this global perspective Stephen has a keen interest in the development of the Australian east coast energy markets, and has been heavily involved in the development of domestic gas policy.

Stephen currently serves as Chief Executive Officer at Gladstone LNG, where he has responsibility for the overall management, safety and operation of the GLNG project.

Stephen holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from the University of Ballarat, a Master of Business Administration from Deakin University, and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


Jacqueline King 

Jacqueline King

Non-Executive Director
LLB (Honours) First Class Honours, MBA, WHS, TDD, GAICD

Director since 1 October 2023

Jacqueline King is the General Secretary of the Queensland Council of Unions representing the interests of approximately 400,000 members in Queensland. Jacqueline has previously worked for the Finance Sector Union, the Australian Services Union, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

She has also been a senior Government advisor in the fields of employment, industrial relations, training, and work health and safety and led an industry training organisation providing both electrical and work health and safety training and skills assessments for overseas qualified electrical workers migrating to Australia.

Jacqueline is currently the Deputy Chair of WorkCover Queensland. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) First Class Honours degree and a Master of Business Administration, along with several qualifications in management, work health and safety and training.

Jacqueline is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors course and has been a Director on several other boards including Energy Skills Queensland and Stanwell.


Alison Smith 

Alison Smith

Non-Executive Director

Director since 1 June 2024

As CEO of Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), Alison is responsible for leading a diverse team of professionals at the organisation, which is the peak body for local government across Queensland. The LGAQ has been advising, supporting and representing local councils since 1896, enabling them to improve their operations and strengthen relationships with their communities.

Between 2007-2020, Alison worked with ASX-100 companies, heading their corporate affairs functions. Alison was Group Executive External Affairs at The Star Entertainment Group, and previously held media and corporate affairs roles at Rio Tinto’s coal and uranium businesses in Australia, Africa, and Canada.

Alison has worked in the public and private sectors in ICT, transport, energy, police, and corrective services. She also spent 14 years as a journalist, working in newspapers, radio, and television, before working as a senior media advisor in the Queensland Government for two terms.

Alison is a member of Chief Executive Women. She is currently a director on boards including Peak Services, Queensland Tourism Industry Council and Local Government Mutual Services. Her past board roles have included Chair of the Brisbane Festival (2019-2022).


Kimberley Swords 

Kimberley swords

Non-Executive Director

Director since 1 June 2024

Kimberley Swords is an independent advisor with more than 25 years of experience as a senior executive in government and management consulting. Kimberley has worked in a variety of advisory roles to major global companies and governments, and as the head of environmental approvals for the Australian Government from 2010 – 2015. She brings a global perspective on decarbonisation and the energy transition from her five years with McKinsey & Company.

Kimberley has a keen interest in the challenges of environmental approvals, community consent and indigenous economic development. She has been heavily involved in the development of domestic economic policy since 2010, in a variety of roles.

Kimberley currently runs her own small business, Riffle Advisory, serving major infrastructure, government and private sector clients on topics that accelerate global progress towards net zero.

Kimberley holds a Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons) from the University of Queensland, a Master of Business Administration from RMIT University, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


New directors

This page is in the process of being updated shortly with biographies of the new directors that were appointed to CS Energy's Board in June 2024