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Reconciliation Action Plan

As one of Queensland’s largest energy providers, we have an important role to play in supporting reconciliation in Australia and contributing to improved outcomes and mutually beneficial relationships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

In FY2023 we involved employees in a co-design process to develop CS Energy’s inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). Our first dedicated Indigenous Engagement Advisor led this work, drawing on the recommendations of an Indigenous Perspectives Consultation Report prepared in FY2022 by a Rockhampton-based Indigenous leader. 

Our Reflect RAP demonstrates CS Energy’s commitment to be an inclusive organisation and build a deeper connection with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is also an important step in building capability within the business and in developing relationships with Traditional Owners which will provide the foundation for future RAPs.

Our reconciliation journey

Our Reflect RAP has been endorsed by our Board and Reconciliation Australia. In FY2024, we have launched our RAP and started implementing its actions.

Download our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (PDF 6.5MB).

Connections by Charlie Chambers Jnr

We’re delighted to share ‘Connections’ by Charlie Chambers Jnr, a piece of art commissioned by CS Energy to celebrate our journey towards reconciliation.

‘Connections’ weaves together the story of Country, the environment, our multicultural communities, and energy. Celebrating people of different nationalities and walks of life side by side on Traditional Owners’ land, ‘Connections’ represents us working together as a community to protect the flora and fauna we share the land with, while continuing our business goals of providing power to communities.

Charlie Chambers Jnr is a Jarowair man from the Toowoomba, Dalby, and Bunya Mountains region, and is connected to the lands on which we operate through both sides of his family.

We are immensely grateful to Charlie for his contribution towards our reconciliation journey.