Brisbane office employees

Inclusion and diversity

CS Energy is proud to foster an environment that builds respect, promotes inclusiveness, celebrates diversity and embraces the unique skills and qualities of our employees.

We believe an inclusive and diverse workplace is a more complete workplace. Because when we welcome new ideas and embrace different capabilities we’re better equipped for success.

Work180 badge 

how we're building inclusion and diversity

We’re building a culture that involves our employees to evolve our business. Our Inclusion and Diversity Policy (PDF 162.3KB) outlines our commitment to leveraging the full potential of all our people.

CS Energy has had gender pay parity since 2016 and we conduct annual reviews to maintain this standard. Our CEO is a Pay Equity Ambassador for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

We are a WORK180 Endorsed Employer for Women. WORK180 pre-screens employers to ensure they have policies and benefits in place to support women’s careers.

Our Inclusion and Diversity Leadership Team guides our approach for attracting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce and maintaining a safe and flexible working environment.

We have also established an Inclusion and Diversity Support Network of employees who will help raise awareness of I&D, share employee ideas and insights about I&D at a local level, and support initiatives and events at our sites.

In 2024 we released our Equity and Diversity Plan (PDF 417.5KB) following an audit conducted for the Office of the Special Commissioner – Equity and Diversity. This plan is pivotal in our ongoing efforts to create an environment where every employee feels safe, valued and empowered.

Value and respect for all

CS Energy has initiatives in place to support employees of any age – such as a transition to retirement process for our older workers, and graduate programs for new talent. 

We also recognise a number of special events throughout the year, such as International Women’s Day, NAIDOC Week, Wear It Purple Day, National Reconciliation and Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.

In FY2023 we worked with the Oodgeroo Unit at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to establish a scholarship to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to attend and complete university. The $5,000 scholarship aims to support an Indigenous student enrolled in an Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Science, Engineering or Technology. Based on a high quality of applicants, CS Energy offered two scholarships this year instead of one.