CS Energy is diversifying into renewable energy and customer-led energy solutions while operating its coal-fired power stations to support security of supply during Australia’s energy transformation.
We understand our responsibility to operate in strict accordance with our emissions limits.
Greenhouse emissions
CS Energy reports greenhouse emissions, energy consumption, and energy production to the Australian Government under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme.
CS Energy’s emissions vary each year depending on factors such as the volume of coal consumed, coal quality and the mix of our generation fleet in service.
The Kogan Creek and Callide C power stations are two of the newest and most efficient coal-fired power stations in the National Electricity Market. Both plants features supercritical boiler technology, which means they operate at a higher efficiency and have lower greenhouse emissions compared to many other coal-fired power stations in Australia.
For details of our annual greenhouse emissions, please refer to our FY2024 Annual Report (PDF 5.8MB) or visit the Clean Energy Regulator website.
Other air emissions
CS Energy’s power stations also emit oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SOx), which are produced as a result of the coal combustion process.
Kogan Creek and Callide C power stations use modern fabric filter bag technology and continuous emissions monitoring systems.
Callide B power station, built in the late 1980s, uses electrostatic precipitator technology for controlling fly ash emissions, which is a commonly used technology around the world today. Callide B continuously monitors its fly ash emissions.
CS Energy conducts regular maintenance of our equipment for controlling emissions to keep it running efficiently.
We report our NOx, SOx and other emissions annually to the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI). Our NPI data is calculated from emissions monitoring equipment at our sites, stack testing results and other operational sources.
A range of factors influence changes in our NPI emissions each year including electricity output, coal quality and maintenance strategy.