Callide warehouse delivery


CS Energy uses a range of suppliers and contractors at our power stations and corporate head office. Our approach to procurement is achieve value for money and act with integrity, in line with our values and Code of Conduct (PDF 649.2KB).

Doing business with us

We have transitioned to the Queensland Government's e-tendering Supplier portal VendorPanel for our sourcing requirements.

While public tenders will continue to be advertised on the QTender website, to respond to any new issued tenders, suppliers will need to register on VendorPanel. To find out more about how to register or update your supplier profile, visit

 For frequently used products and services, CS Energy uses existing Queensland Government standing offer arrangements.

Responsible procurement

CS Energy seeks to work with suppliers who are aligned with the values of our business. We are committed to responsible procurement and expect our suppliers to operate in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including modern slavery laws.

CS Energy is an eligible reporting business under the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 and recognises that we have a role to play in preventing modern slavery in global supply chains. 

Please refer to the Preventing Modern Slavery section below for a copy of CS Energy's latest Modern Slavery Statement and our expectations of our suppliers and contractors to prevent modern slavery.

Supplier downloads

If your business is engaged to work for CS Energy, you must read and comply with our Commercial Conditions and Site Conditions below, and relevant policies and procedures. If you have questions, please talk to your CS Energy contact.

Accounts payable

Please send all invoices to the email address:

In regards to statements, queries and credit notes, please direct them to If your system only allows one email address, please use

Key contractor information 

Commercial Conditions

Site Conditions

Security of Critical Infrastructure

Preventing modern slavery

Environmental Management System

Environmental guidelines for suppliers

Other environmental procedures

Preventing Serious Injury and Fatality

Banned items

Confined spaces

Cranes and Lifting 

Dropped objects

Working with Electricity

Working with Energy

Hazardous Chemicals

Working at Heights, Ladders, Scaffolding and Hot Work

Vehicle Interaction 

Process Safety 

Operational Hazards

Health Hazards

Asbestos, Dust, Working in Heat

Fitness for work

Workplace Measuring and Monitoring 

Legionella, Noise

Health and Safety Management System

Leadership and Accountability

Legal requirements

H&S Risk and Change Management

Awareness and Competence

Communication and Consultation

Overhauls, Construction, Demolition and Commissioning

Contractor and Visitor Management

 Incident, Crisis and Security Management

Health, Hygiene and Fitness For Work  

Monitoring, Audit, Management Review and Reporting