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Our role in the market

CS Energy sells electricity in the National Electricity Market from the power stations we own and operate. We also trade electricity generated at Gladstone Power Station, in excess of the requirements of the Boyne Island aluminium smelter.

We manage plant and financial risk by balancing our presence in the wholesale spot and contract markets.

In the spot market, we sell electricity and retailers buy it to on-sell to consumers. Prices fluctuate in response to supply and demand at any point in time. It’s a dynamic, highly competitive market with more than 100 generators and retailers.

To manage exposure to price volatility in the spot market, generators and retailers often use financial derivatives to manage lock in a firm price for electricity at a given time in the future.

CS Energy also provides a range of ancillary services to help maintain the power system within the NEM’s performance standards. These services underpin the security and reliability of electricity supply for Australians.

We operate in strict accordance with, and take very seriously, our obligations to comply with all rules and regulations governing our participation and bidding in the NEM.


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