09 Dec 2024
- Renewable energy
- Community
Representatives from CS Energy and Aula Energy recently gathered in Mount Morgan, near where the Boulder Creek Wind Farm will be located, for the On Country Signing Ceremony with the traditional owners of the land, the Gaangalu people.
The ceremony included history and information about the three language groups of the Gaangalu, a Smoking Ceremony to cleanse and start the project, and a traditional dance and stories from the Kulgoodah Dance Troupe from Woorabinda.
CEOs Darren Busine and Chad Hymas signed a Deed of Assignment to signpost the partnership between CS Energy and Aula Energy, who are developing the project in a joint venture.

Image: CS Energy CEO Darren Busine and Aula Energy CEO Chad Hymas with Gaangalu Nation representatives.
The Boulder Creek Wind Farm will be located approximately 40 km south-west of Rockhampton on the ranges between Mount Morgan and Westwood.
Cultural Heritage Investigation Management Agreements are in place with both traditional owners for the project, the Gaangalu Nation and Darumbal Peoples. We are committed to working collaboratively with them and this will continue throughout the construction and operations phases of the project.

Image: CS Energy representatives Neville Hoehne, Olympia Ramirez, Andrew Binyon and Andrew Wilson with CEO Darren Busine and EGM Customer & growth Emma Roberts, with the Kulgoodah Dance Troupe dancers (pictured performing below).

Learn more about the Boulder Creek Wind Farm.