Work continued overnight on the plan to safely return three of Callide’s four generating units to service in early June.
CS Energy CEO Andrew Bills remains at Callide Power Station today to provide support for employees and oversee the return to service plans.
“It’s been a challenging period for the team at Callide, and again I want to say how proud I am of the way everyone has pulled together,” Mr Bills said.
“We are safely working through a process to progressively bring people back to site. We currently have approximately 50 people on site and this will grow during the day as work steps up on our return to service plans.
“The remainder of our workforce is in town in Biloela and myself, and other leaders, will meet with them again today to keep them up to date with what is happening at site.
“The wellbeing of Callide Power Station’s employees remains CS Energy’s top priority and I have been encouraging our people to check in with each other or make use of our Employee Assistance counselling program.”

Above: CEO Andrew Bills and site leadership brief Callide employees in Biloela.
CS Energy has informed the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) that three generating units will be returned to service sequentially from the 5 June and anticipate all three units being online by 9 June.
The return to service dates are based on the information that CS Energy has available at this point in time and these dates will be updated when we learn more.
CS Energy has informed AEMO that Unit C4 will be available in 12 months.
Callide Power Station is comprised of two power plants, Callide B and C, each with two generating units, and has a permanent workforce of 260 employees. CS Energy owns 100 per cent of Callide B and owns Callide C in a 50/50 joint venture with InterGen.