The Christmas spirit is alive and well at CS Energy again this year, with our people coming together to support several charities.
The Brisbane office chose again to participate in the Foodbank Christmas Drive, filling 22 boxes of non-perishable food and other items for people in need throughout Queensland.
The Callide Power Station team is supporting the Anglicare Central Queensland Adopt-A-Family appeal. Every year the appeal asks for people and businesses to donate hamper items to support families in the Callide Dawson Valley area that are facing serious financial hardship or social dislocation. To date we have collected more than $700 in cash donations and provided two deliveries of goods and presents.
To support our neighbours in Central Queensland CS Energy this week is making a $1,500 donation to GIVIT, the official partner of the Gladstone Regional Council Queensland Bushfire Appeal.
And CS Energy and its employees combined to donate more than $2,000 to the Drought Relief Appeal.
From everyone at CS Energy, we wish you a Merry Christmas.