CS Energy is responding to the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to help keep our people and our communities safe, support our customers and maintain a reliable supply of electricity to the National Electricity Market.
Our response to coronavirus is guided by the latest advice from the relevant authorities, including state and federal government and the World Health Organisation.
CS Energy is supporting the latest government health protocols and travel restrictions to ensure the health of our workforce and the wider community.
At our sites, we have segregated critical operational and maintenance staff to reduce any potential risk of infection.
Our people are practicing social distancing, extra cleaning is being carried out and access is restricted to key areas of the site such as control rooms.

Above: Social distancing at a recent team meeting at Callide Power Station.
All CS Energy sites have business continuity plans in place for critical activities and these are being implemented.
Non-critical work that does not impact plant reliability or overhaul readiness is being reviewed and postponed, where possible.
CS Energy has also reduced non-essential personnel at our sites by supporting our people to work from home wherever possible.
Our Retail Team is available to support our large commercial and industrial customers with any queries that you may have. Please contact us on 1800 950 595 or email retailsales@csenergy.com.au.
We encourage our customers to familiarise themselves with recent government initiatives to support businesses affected by COVID-19, such as the Queensland Government's $500 rebate on energy bills for small and medium businesses.
In the community, we have shortened our payment terms from 30-day terms to 14-day payment terms for our suppliers who are small to medium businesses to help them manage their cashflows. This will assist with SME cashflows which are already under pressure.
The impact of coronavirus in Australia and on our business is a rapidly evolving situation. Our people, customers and the community can be assured that any actions we take are focused on ensuring the health of our people and helping maintain security of electricity supply for Queensland.
For more information, visit our Coronavirus page.