Statement on Programmed Skilled Workforce enterprise agreement negotiations

01 Jun 2023

CS Energy is working with Programmed Skilled Workforce (PSW) and unions to ensure pay parity for contract cleaners at Kogan Creek Power Station.

PSW is currently negotiating with the Mining and Energy Union (MEU) on a new enterprise agreement, which covers PSW employees who work at CS Energy’s power stations as a part of the Facilities Management function.

Executive General Manager Plant Operations Leigh Amos said it was important to remember that PSW was responsible for determining the pay, terms and conditions of employment under which it employs its workers.

“Contractors like PSW cleaners are not our employees but we value their work,” Mr Amos said.

“CS Energy has discussed with PSW union concerns about pay parity of contract cleaners and supports the resolution of this matter as soon as possible.”

Mr Amos said the MEU’s claims about protected industrial action were premature.

“CS Energy supports the rights of any union member to take protected industrial action, however, we remain confident that PSW and MEU can reach an agreement.”