Callide Power Station

Statement from Callide Power Trading

04 Feb 2025

The Federal Court of Australia handed down its judgement today in the civil proceedings the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) instituted against Callide Power Trading (CPT) last year in relation to the Callide Unit C4 incident in 2021.

The court’s judgement was consistent with the joint position agreed between the AER and CPT last year.

The AER alleged that CPT contravened the National Electricity Rules by not ensuring that Callide Unit C4 met the required generator performance standards during the 25 May 2021 incident.

CPT has worked cooperatively with the AER to resolve this matter and has agreed to pay the penalty and contribute to the AER’s legal costs.

About Callide Power Trading Pty Ltd

Callide Power Trading Pty Ltd is the registered market participant for Callide C Power Station under the National Electricity Rules.

Callide Power Trading Pty Ltd is owned 50% by IG Power (Callide) Ltd and 50% by Callide Energy Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of CS Energy).

Callide Power Trading Pty Ltd’s sole function is to trade the output of Callide C Power Station on the instruction of each of the owners.

Both of Callide C Power Station’s generating units were returned to service in 2024.

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