Second generating unit back online at Callide

22 Jun 2021

Capacity is building at Callide Power Station with a second unit returning to service today.

Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen Mick de Brenni said unit B2 was brought back online at midday.

“The return of unit B2 is another important milestone for the Callide workforce and community,” Mr de Brenni said.

“On the day we mark four weeks since Callide C went down, two of four units are now back online.

“It is an incredible achievement and testament to the professionalism of CS Energy employees and contractors, that this has been done so safely and quickly.

“Like we saw with unit B1 last week, B2’s output will be safely and gradually ramped up to its full capacity over the next 48 hours.

“The focus then remains on unit C3, which is due back online next month.”

Mr de Brenni said the safety of the workforce remains the top priority.