Kogan Creek Power Station

Families tour Kogan Creek Power Station

21 Dec 2017

More than 180 people attended CS Energy’s Kogan Creek Power Station Family Day on Saturday 16 December as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations for the power station and neighbouring Kogan Creek Mine.

Families of power station employees were treated to a tour of the power station and mine, before returning to Bulldog Park in Chinchilla for a BBQ lunch and kids activities such as a jumping castle and face painting.

Kogan Creek General Manager Phil Matha said the event was a great way to celebrate the end of the year and the 10th anniversary of the opening of the power station and mine.

“This event was about celebrating 10 years of electricity generation at Kogan Creek Power Station and thanking our employees for their efforts,” Mr Matha said.

“We also wanted to do something special for the families of employees to thank them for their support over the years.”

The event marked the first time Kogan Creek Power Station has hosted tours for families of employees, and followed the success of a similiar event at CS Energy’s Callide Power Station near Biloela in 2016. 

Kogan Creek Power Station features highly efficient supercritical technology and was officially opened in 2007 by then Queensland Premier Anna Bligh. 

Baseload coal-fired power stations like Kogan Creek Power Station will play a critical role in underpinning security of supply over the coming decades as Australia transitions to a lower carbon energy mix.