CS Energy has boosted the emerging hydrogen industry in Queensland by partnering with QUT and its collaborators on a $8.5 million research and development project to produce hydrogen from renewable energy in Brisbane.
The multi-party project brings together researchers, technology developers and industry from Australia and overseas, and will evaluate the viability of producing hydrogen from renewable energy systems and processes.
CS Energy will provide $500,000 in funding support, adding to the $250,000 of support the Queensland Government announced in March this year.
The project has also received more than $3 million in financial support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) with project partners including QUT, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Energy Developments Limited, Swinburne University of Technology, Griffith University and The University of Tokyo contributing the remainder.
CS Energy CEO Andrew Bills said the company was excited to be involved in such an innovative project assessing a clean energy fuel of the future.
“This project brings together key players that are leading the development and assessment of a hydrogen industry and is being led by Professor Ian Mackinnon from QUT’s Institute for Future Environments,” Mr Bills said.
“CS Energy became involved in this project because it aligns with our long-term business objectives and will help Queensland transition to a renewable energy future.”
Mr Bills said there was strong interest in hydrogen in Australia and globally for use in energy, transport and industrial processes.
“As the imperative for grid stability and fast-start technology options gather momentum, the potential for hydrogen storage technology cannot be overstated,” he said.
“CS Energy decided to become involved in this project so we could assess future commercial opportunities for the production and use of renewable hydrogen in the energy industry.”
Professor Ian Mackinnon, from QUT’s Institute for Future Environments, said there was the potential for hydrogen to be a major clean energy carrier of the future.
Professor Mackinnon, who was recently appointed as the strategic hydrogen advisor to the Queensland Government, said Queensland had the infrastructure and the resources to be a major player in this emerging market.
“Natural resources, such as high solar irradiation, available land, accessible seawaters and brines, an extensive coastline, and diverse biomass, are abundant and key requirements for a globally competitive industry in green hydrogen,” Professor Mackinnon said.
“Partnerships like this allow a sustainable transition to the production, handling and use of hydrogen within the broader energy industry.”

QUT Professor Ian Mackinnon.
Potential uses of hydrogen of interest to CS Energy are renewable energy coupled with hydrogen production, and the sale of compressed hydrogen.
The project will establish a renewable hydrogen plant at the Redlands Research Facility east of Brisbane using locally produced solar energy to extract hydrogen from non-treated drinking water, such as seawater.
A smart micro-grid using existing and new photovoltaic arrays, supplemented with commercially available batteries, is planned for the Redlands facility. By using electricity generated from renewable sources, the resulting hydrogen is known as ‘green hydrogen’.
For more information the project, visit https://arena.gov.au/projects/qut-hydrogen-process-research-and-development/.