The Dalby Kart Club, Chinchilla State School and the Biloela PCYC, are just some of the 12 community groups that received $51,103 in funding from Round 2 of CS Energy’s community sponsorships recently.
The successful applicants came from the Western Downs, Banana Shire and Brisbane areas.
CS Energy Head of Corporate Affairs Nev Conway said CS Energy’s community sponsorships are awarded in two rounds per financial year.
“In Round 1 we awarded more than $110,000 to 15 community groups, bringing the total for this financial year to well over $160,000 in support for our local communities,” Mr Conway said.
“This round we had more than 35 school, community and not-for-profit organisations apply for more than $570,000 of funding. There were a lot of worthy applications, and we work with our local power station managers to select the projects we think are going to have real, long-lasting positive impact on the local community.”
Round 2 sponsorship recipients
- Biloela Enterprise - Biloela Christmas Festival 2019
- Queensland PCYC - Biloela All Abilities Dance and Exercise Program
- Taroom & District Historical Society - Restoration of 1870s buggy and sulky/trap
- The Creche and Kindergarten Association Biloela - Updating the Biloela C&K Coo-Inda outdoor environment
- Callide United Football Club - Portable shade structures
- CQ Rural Health - Materials within a suicide prevention resource kit
- Scripture Union Queensland - New fridge for school breakfasts and emergency lunches at Biloela State School
- Boonarga Country Music Sessions - Defribillator purchase
- Chinchilla State School - P&C Chinchilla Trail Ride 2019
- Chinchilla Branch Sporting Shooters Association - Safety boundary fence near the nature reserve
- Dalby Kart Club BBQ area shade structure
- Jabaljarri Social Golf Club NAIDOC Week golf event
Round 3 opens
Applications for Round 3 of our community sponsorship program opened on 27 May and close on 30 September 2019. To be eligible for a sponsorship, your community project or event must align with one or more of our investment areas of focus:
- Safety and environment
- Social and community development
- Education
- Culture and art
- Active and healthy communities.
To apply, visit

Above: The Biloela All Abilities Dance and Exercise Program at the Biloela PCYC received funding in this round.