CS Energy contributes to customer code for brokers and retailers

27 Oct 2020

CS Energy has been an active participant in the development of a voluntary national Customer Code for energy brokers, consultants and retailers.

The Customer Code is one of the Energy Charter’s #BetterTogether initiatives, where signatories collaborate to achieve high impact, meaningful change for customers.

This initiative has been led by EnergyAustralia and supported by CS Energy, AGL, Origin Energy and brokers, consultants and customer representatives.

A draft code has just been released for consultation, following a series of online workshops over the last three months.

CS Energy’s Retail Business Lead Darrin Crompton contributed to the draft code, which aims to improve outcomes for customers, particularly those in the commercial and industrial market.

“The code is about giving large customers confidence that energy brokers, consultants and retailers are working together in their best interests and delivering value to them,” Darrin said.

“It also aligns with the recommendations of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry in 2018.”

Provide your feedback

Stakeholder consultation on the Draft National Customer Code for Energy Brokers and Retailers are being held via free online forums on 28, 29, 30 October 2020. The forums have sold out, but you can still provide feedback by emailing director@theenergycharter.com.au by 5pm Friday 13 November.

CS Energy is a foundation signatory to the Energy Charter - a whole-of-sector initiative to achieve a more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system for all Australians.