CS Energy stall

Applications open for latest round of community sponsorships

19 Aug 2024

Not-for-profit community groups in the Banana Shire and Western Downs regional council areas are encouraged to apply for funding through CS Energy’s Community Sponsorships Program.

Round 13 of CS Energy’s Sponsorships Program opened in early August and will close on Thursday 5 September.

“CS Energy is committed to investing in the regions that host our existing operations and new projects to help build vibrant, liveable communities,” CS Energy CEO Darren Busine said.

“Since our community sponsorships started in 2019, we’ve invested more than $900,000 in the local communities that host our operations.

“In the previous sponsorship round alone, we saw 13 recipients share in over $90,000 of sponsorships across our Western Downs and Banana Shire communities.”

Sponsorships typically range from $1,000 to $20,000 and are awarded to projects that will have a lasting, positive impact on the community.

This financial year, CS Energy is expanding its Community Sponsorship Program from two rounds to three.

“We’ve made the change to encourage more applications as, previously, some projects would fall between our sponsorship rounds and miss out on funding,” Mr Busine said.

Round 14 will open in October, and Round 15 in 2025.

To learn more about CS Energy’s Community Sponsorship Program, including eligibility requirements, dates, and how to apply, go to the Community section of CS Energy’s website: https://www.csenergy.com.au/community/sponsorships