Statement regarding AEMO Callide C4 report

08 Oct 2021
CS Energy welcomes a report released today by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) into the power system incident that occurred on 25 May 2021 following the Unit C4 event at Callide Power Station.

CEO Andrew Bills said CS Energy had already implemented or was in the process of implementing the majority of the recommendations from AEMO’s report and reaffirmed the company’s commitment to implement the findings from other independent investigations underway.

“CS Energy is committed to understanding the facts that led to the C4 event and sharing this information with the industry so we can all learn from it and improve the safety of our people and plant,” Mr Bills said.

“Consistent with the AEMO report, our preliminary analysis of what happened on Unit C4 identified the critical nature of DC supplies to generator protection and control systems.

“CS Energy has implemented controls to avoid an event similar to the C4 incident occurring on our other generating units and we have been sharing our learnings with other power station operators in recent months.”

Mr Bills said Dr Sean Brady’s external, independent investigation was ongoing and would provide a more detailed analysis of the Unit C4 event, as well as the technical and organisational factors that could have contributed to it.

“CS Energy will share the learnings and findings from Dr Brady’s investigation with the power generation industry,” he said.

On 25 May 2021 an incident occurred in Unit C4, which resulted in an explosion, with substantial damage to the unit, forcing it offline.

Callide Power Station has a permanent workforce of 260 people and is comprised of two power plants, Callide B and C, each with two generating units (B1 and B2, C3 and C4). CS Energy owns 100 per cent of Callide B and owns Callide C in a 50/50 joint venture with InterGen.